Monday, November 17, 2008

Name Changed to Protect the Idiot

I was talking to a friend the other day about one of her family members. The family member exhibits sociopathic behavior. That got me thinking about an incident that happened during our time at Ft. Lewis.

Sgt. Snuffy shows up late for formation one day covered in blood and dirt. He tells an epic story of how he happened upon an accident on the Hwy that runs along the back side of Ft. Lewis. He found a car that left the roadway and the driver had been thrown partially through the windshield. He proceeded to render aid.

He removed the driver from the windshield and extracted a huge piece of the windshield from drivers (this is not a good idea) chest. Authorities arrived and the driver was transported to the hospital and Sgt. Snuffy was a HERO!

He received a unit citation and a few months later the unit was contacted by a national TV Show. Well, it seems they wanted to do a segment on Sgt Snuffy and were in the area doing research for said segment. This was in the days before HIPPA. If you wanted to find out names and conditions of accident victims from the hospital/fire/police depts it was no problem. They checked with all the local authorities and could not establish that an accident had occurred on that stretch of road on that date. They wanted to let the Battalion know that this "event" never happened.

That would have been nice to know before the Battalion Commander requested another award at Brigade level. Oops.

We never did find out where all that blood came from.

1 comment:

The Mind of a Mom said...

Hey Polly

I bet someone got yelled at for that one!